I've been pretty busy lately, what with the holiday season causing an increase in work, and I've got all kinds of other stuff going on. I've got one buddy building a new business website for me, and a couple others doing some proofreading on one of my books, I've discovered the secret to eternal life so I'm trying to get that, I've got most of the old content from the previous renditions of my site transferred, and I'm doing my part to help about half a dozen people reach for their dreams like I've done. This is just the beginning, of course. So don't worry, I'm not going to forget to stop by here once in a while. I've actually got a lot of exciting stuff going on in my life now, and keeping this site/blog updated is a part of that.
Just for starters, I've got a series of articles on space, travel, and fiction brewing, a tiny portion of which I've already got posted. I expect to get the rest of my old content up by the end of the year, and in January I should have a little time off... if my students don't need me!
Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to everyone!