Dubbed the CALM Act, for Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation, it finally answers about 60 years of complaints to the FCC about commercials blaring into the silence of a regular TV program. And who says government doesn't work?
Of course, in the year in which the advertisers finally have to get their act together, I can't help wondering: is it even relavant?
On the one hand, a considerable number of people have figured out that there's really not much on TV worth watching (besides Burn Notice, NCIS, and just about anything with Michio Kaku in it). Almost every day, I hear someone proudly proclaiming they don't watch TV anymore, they don't even have a TV, or they have no idea what a cable bill is. (Yeah, sometimes it's me.)
On the other hand, who bothers to watch live TV anymore when you've got DVRs to tape your shows and save about 20 minutes of your life per hour skipping over commercials?
On the gripping hand, if you wanna watch Family Guy or ( : gag : ) Survivor, you can probably download them off the internet or go get the DVD at Walmart and forgo commercials (almost) entirely. Buying them takes the middle man out of the equation entirely... at least, until Congress legislates them back in a la the whole music industry (but I won't go into that right now).
With all the options available, and with all the other problems that are a little more pressing, like, you know, all the corporations robbing us blind and the national debt spiraling out of control, not only is this too little too late, it was a huge waste of valuable time. We pay these guys over 93 million dollars a year to work only about half as much as the rest of us do, and this is how they spend that?
Here, buy one of these very popular things from Amazon in protest.
Here, buy one of these very popular things from Amazon in protest.
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