We've had a cold snap here in Florida this weekend. Last Friday for my morning walk, it was so cold I felt like my brain was freezing. Still made about 5 miles, but I was miserable doing it. Fortunately it's warming up a little, and yesterday's and today's mornings were slightly less cold, so I'm not worried about Monday.
There were an awful lot of stories I thought were important enough to share over on our associated Facebook page, which you should check out and hit that big LIKE button at the top. So many, in fact, that I felt there was getting to be a bit of information overload, so I didn't share everything I really wanted to. Here are the most important things which happened last week:
86% of Bailout Money Used for Executive Bonuses - How many times do we have to fall for this before we figure out we're getting ripped off by the corps AND the congressmen voting in favor of these?
5 Conservative Economic Myths Occupy Wall St. Is Helping Bust - Amazing. Simply amazing.
Awake The State November 1st! - All 50 state capitals are going to experience demonstrations.
The Artful Dodgers - How those who most need to pay their taxes get away with paying none.
Wall Street’s Second Occupation: The Rise of the NYPD's Homeland Security State - I believe they had something like this in Germany in the early 1930's.
Janet Reid's Most Terrifying Contest Ever! - I managed to get my entry in third out of almost 200. No idea when we'll hear who won, but if you pester Jet enough, maybe you can convince her I should win.
How to Regain Our Democracy - Very simple solution.
Presidential Candidate Buddy Roemer Calls for Withdrawal From NAFTA, WTO - These are basically illegal treaties in which we give away what we have and get nothing in return. They gotta go. Roemer is the only candidate who wants to get money out of DC to end taxation without representation.
Judge Judy - Here's Who You Support With Taxes - She's far more patient with him than I would be.
Stimulus Money Used to Employ Foreign Guest Workers Instead of Americans - Are you sure this isn't treason?
That will definitely keep you busy today. Have a great Sunday!
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